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Canals near Lake Shafer
500 canals found
Ackerman Ditch
Ade McCray Ditch
Agnew Ditch
Allen Ditch
Amore Ditch
Anderson Ditch
Ansberry Bird Ditch
Anstis Ditch
Anthony Ditch
Antrim Ditch
Antrim Ditch
Armstrong Ditch
Ayres Ditch
B F Overmyer Ditch
Bailey Ditch
Bailey Ditch
Bailey Ditch Arm Number Three
Baker Ditch
Baker Ditch
Barker Ditch
Bartee Ditch
Barten Ditch
Bartondale Ditch
Bass Ditch
Battleday Ditch
Beasy Lateral
Beaver Ditch
Beck Ward Ditch
Beebe Ditch
Bell Ditch
Beller McCollum Ditch
Benner Ditch
Berkshire Ditch
Bice Ditch
Bickel Ditch
Biddle Ditch
Big Monon Ditch
Blanchard Ditch
Bohn Ditch
Bolen Ditch
Bonnell Number Two Ditch
Bosma Ditch
Bossung Ditch
Bowen Ditch
Bower Ditch
Box Ditch
Box Ditch
Boyle Ditch
Bradbury Ditch
Branch Number Six
Breckenridge Ditch
Brown Arm
Brown Ditch
Brown Ditch
Brown Ditch
Brown Ditch
Brown Ditch
Bruce Lake Outlet
Brumm Ditch
Bruner Ditch
Bube Ditch
Buck Creek Ditch
Budd Fisher Ditch
Budd Fisher Ditch
Burbank Ditch
Burgett Ditch
Busard Ditch
Callahan Ditch
Callahan Ditch
Camblin Ditch
Cannon Ditch
Carlson Ditch
Carnahan Ditch Number Two
Carson Ditch
Carter Ditch
Casper Arm
Casper Ditch
Castleman Ditch
Cavanaugh Ditch
Cavendish Ditch
Cedar Lake Ditch
Cessna Ditch
Chapman Arm
Chapman Ditch
Charles May Ditch
Chilton Ditch
Chris Salrin Lateral
Circle Ditch
Clary Ditch
Claude May Ditch
Cline Ditch
Cole Ditch
Collins Ditch
Collins Ditch
Collins Ditch
Collins Ditch Arm
Collins Ditch Arm Number Four
Collins Ditch Arm Number Three
Collins Ditch Arm Number Two
Colman Ditch
Conn Ditch
Conn Fred Ditch
Cook Ditch
Cornell Ditch
Costello Ditch
Cottonwood Ditch
Cowan Ditch
Cox Ditch
Craigmile Ditch
Cromey Ditch
Cromley Ditch
Cronin Ditch
Curtiss Ditch
Curtiss Ditch
Dalzall Ditch
Darby Ditch
Darroch Ditch
Davis Ditch
Davis Ditch
Davis Ditch
Davison Ditch
De Haven Ditch
Deiter Ditch
Demont Arm
Deweese Ditch
Dexter Ditch
Diener Ditch
Dieter Ditch
Dilts Anstis Ditch
Dorsey Ditch
Dressler Ditch
Driger Ditch
Dry Run Ditch
Dunker Ditch
Dutton Ditch
East Arm Payne Ditch
Eckert Ditch
Edward Ditch
Elijah Ditch
Elkheim Ditch
Ella Brown Ditch
Elliott Ditch
Emge Ditch
Emmett Ditch
Ender Ditch
Fell Ditch
Ferry Ditch
Fisher Ditch
Fitzers Ditch
Folger Ditch
Forgey Ditch
Frank May Ditch
Fraser Ditch
Fredericks Ditch
Fredricks Ditch
Fredricks Ditch
Fritz Ditch
Fry Ditch
Galbreath Ditch
Gardner Powell Ditch
Gault Ditch
Geetings Ditch
Gehring and Gumz Ditch
Gehring Ditch
Gephart-Mageet Ditch
Gifford Ditch
Gillam Ditch
Grable Ditch
Graffis Ditch
Grant Ditch
Green Ditch
Green Ditch
Greenwood Ditch
Griggs Ditch
Griggs Lateral
Griner Ditch
Grube Ditch
Guild Ditch
Guild Lateral
Gukien Cohee Ditch
Gushwa Ditch
Haines Ditch
Hall Burlew Ditch
Ham Lateral
Hancock Ditch
Hancock Ditch
Hanley Ditch
Hansell Ditch
Hardy Ditch
Harness Ditch
Harness Ditch
Harp Ditch
Harpster Ditch
Harrington Ditch
Hartwick Ditch
Haschel Ditch
Hathaway Ditch
Hawkins Ditch
Headlee Ditch
Heilsher Ditch
Heimberg Ditch
Helman Ditch
Helvie Ditch
Hershman Arm
Hickam Lateral
Hill Ditch
Hines Ditch
Hinshaw Ditch
Hoagland Ditch
Hobbs Ditch
Hoch Ditch
Hoffman Ditch
Holder Ditch
Hollingsworth Ditch
Holtz Ditch
Homburg Ditch
Hook Ditch
Hoover Ditch
House Ditch
Houston Ditch
Howard Ditch
Hubbell Ditch
Hudkins Ditch
Humes Ditch
Hunter Ditch
Hunter Ditch
Hyman Ditch
Iliff Slough Lateral
Jackson-Shilling Ditch
James Ditch
James Ditch
James Ditch
Johns Ditch
Johnson Ditch
Jones Ditch
Jordan Ditch
Jordan Ditch
Joseph Salrin Arm
Julien Ditch
Jungles Ditch
Kasta Ditch
Keefe Ditch
Keller Arm
Keller Arm
Keller Ditch
Kennel Ditch
Kern Neff Ditch
Kersey Finney Ditch
Kesler Ditch
Kessi Ditch
Kirkpatrick Ditch
Kline Arm
Koepke Ditch
Kuns Ditch
Lague Ditch
Lambert Lateral
Lateral Number Seventy-seven
Lee Ditch
Leidendecker Ditch
Lemke Ditch
Levi Rouch Ditch
Lincoln Ditch
Lindstrand Ditch
Lintner Ditch
Lizenby Ditch
Lony Tile
Lougis Ditch
Luken Ditch
Lunsford Ditch
Maciolek Ditch
Madaus Ditch
Makeever Huff Ditch
Malchow Ditch
Marble Ditch
Marks Ditch
Marshall Ditch
Martin Ditch
Martin Ditch
Martin Ditch
Mason Eastburn Ditch
Mathias Ditch
Mathias Young Ditch
McCauliff Ditch
McCloskey Ditch
McClure Ditch
McFarland Ditch
McGaffey Ditch
McKillip Branch Ditch
McKillip Ditch
McKinney Ditch
McNitt Ditch
Meade Rayburn Arm
Miller Ditch
Miller Ditch
Miller Ditch
Miller Ditch
Miller Ditch
Milner Arm
Minch Ditch
Moffitt Ditch
Mohler Ditch
Monon Ditch
Moody Lateral
Moon Ditch
Moore Ditch
Moore Ditch
Moran Ditch
Mortgage Trust Ditch
Mosley Ditch
Moss Ditch
Munson Ditch
Myers Ditch
Myers Ditch
Myers Ditch
Mylius Ditch
Neff Ditch
Nesius Ditch
Newland Ditch
North Fork Keren Neff Ditch
O'Brien Ditch
O'Brien Ditch
Obrien Ditch
Olds Ditch
Oliver Ditch
Olmstead Ditch
Ora Arm
Origer Ditch
Otterbein Ditch
Overmyer Ditch
Overmyer Ditch
Owens Ditch
Passmore Ditch
Payne Ditch
Pelsy Ditch
Peter Ditch
Pettit Ditch
Phillips Ditch
Pifer Ditch
Pine Creek Ditch
Podell Ditch
Pownall Ditch
Prather Ditch
Prettyman Ditch
Prochaska Ditch
Prouty Ditch
Pullin Ditch
Quigley Marsh Ditch
Radersdorf Ditch
Randle Lateral
Rassmussen Ditch
Rawn Ditch
Rayman Ditch
Ream Ditch
Record Lateral
Reeves Ditch
Reichard Ditch
Reinhold Ditch
Rentschler Ditch
Rich Grove Lateral
Ridenour Ditch
Riley Ditch
Ringeisen Ditch
Roach Ditch
Robbins Walters Ditch
Robinson Ditch
Rockwell Ditch
Rolhausen Ditch
Rosen Treter Ditch
Rouch Ditch
Roudebush Ditch
Rowan Ditch
Rufus Rayburn Arm
Ruth Ditch
Ryan Appleton Ditch
Ryan Ditch
Ryan Kraisinger Ditch
Sage Ditch
Salrin and Cox Ditch
Sands Ditch
Sarber Ditch
Schatzley Ditch
Scheffer Ditch
Scheuer Ditch
Schimnel Ditch
Schlatzley Ditch
Scholtz Ditch
Schrader Ditch
Schroeder Ditch
Scipio Ditch
Scofield Ditch
Scoville Arm
Segal Ditch
Selmer Ditch
Shackelford Ditch
Shadrow Ditch
Shaffer Ditch
Shaftey Ditch
Shankland Ditch
Shanley Ditch
Sharp Ditch
Shedrow Ditch
Sheets Ditch
Sills Ditch
Simonin Ditch
Sines Ditch
Sixby Ditch
Skillen Ditch
Slick Ditch
Slonaker Ditch
Slusser Ditch
Smallfelt Ditch
Smith Ditch
Smith Ditch
Smith Ditch
Sneep Gillespie Ditch
Snow Ditch
Spitler Ditch
Spurgeon Ditch
Stack Ditch
Stadden Ditch
Stalbaum Hershman Ditch
Stamp Ditch
Starr Ditch
Steffel Ditch
Stein Ditch
Steinke Ditch
Stelter Ditch
Stone Dilts Ditch
Stout Ditch
Stout Gise Ditch
Stout Hodge Ditch
Stover Ditch
Stromberg-Tetzloff Ditch
Strubhar Ditch
Studebaker Hiatt Ditch
Stump Ditch
Stump Slough Ditch
Suits Ditch
Sweeney Ditch
Swingle Ditch
Sylvester Maroney Ditch
Taylor Ditch
Templeton Ditch
Thompson Ditch
Thompson Ditch
Thompson Ditch
Thompson Ditch
Tiede Ditch
Tilden Ditch
Timmons Ditch
Tolen Ditch
Travers Ditch
Troutman Hogan Ditch
Turner Ditch
Tyler Ditch
Tyler Weisjahn Ditch
Ulch Ditch
Ulerich Ditch
Umbenhour Ditch
Vanatta Ditch
Vanatta Lateral
Vergin Arm
Vernigor Ditch
Wacknitz Ditch
Wagoner Ditch
Waite Ditch
Walker Ditch
Wallace Ditch
Walsh Ditch
Walters Ditch
Ward Ditch
Washburn Ditch
Washburn Lateral
Weasner Ditch
Webb Ditch
Weil Ditch
Weisjahn Ditch
Weiss Ditch
Weltzin Ditch
Werner Ditch
Wesner Ditch
West Arm Grube Ditch
West Arm Scholtz
Weyand Ditch
White Ditch
Wilhelm Ditch
William Hershman Lateral
Williams Arm Ditch
Williams Ditch
Williams Ditch
Williams Ditch
Wills Ditch
Wilson Ditch
Wilson Ditch
Wilson Ditch
Wilson Ditch Arm Number Two
Wilson Friedrick Ditch
Wilson Wiseley Ditch
Winters Ditch
Witham Ditch
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